Advantages of Android over iPhone

advantages of Android over iPhone i can think of is the pool of applications and more vibrant community of Android developers. Android is an operating system and will run on various devices while apple IOS just runs on their products which is sort of shame for Apple.
1. Apps are cheaper on Android than iOS
2. Customisable UI offers productivity benefits.
3. Cross-platform nature makes it more flexible.
4. NFC-enabled for a cashless future.
5. Open use lets manufacturers create bespoke devices
When you buy an iPhone, you're stuck with as much storage as you decided to buy at the get-go. Most Android phones, however, have a microSD card slot, so you can easily and cheaply buy more storage space..
android and ios are particular strengths and weaknesses, it is important you see which one fits, use it!
I think that the androids have more than ios app, multiple phones using android system whereas iphone ios only
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