Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Captcha

Hello, I usually use Re-captcha for my website just to fight against spamming through comment posting. Thanks
A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. Advantages are:
1. The main advantage of CAPTCHAs is to help limit spam.
2.CAPTCHAs are also very easy to implement or add to an existing website.

Disadvantages are:
1.CAPTCHAs are not even readable to people.
2.When a website first starts using CAPTCHAs, they notice a considerably drop in traffic.
Captcha is a way to differentiate between an automated computer program and a human. It is a box with distorted text that must be deciphered in order to enter free email services, online polls, and to complete online purchases.

Distinguishes between a human and a machine
Makes online polls more legitimate
Reduces spam and viruses
Makes online shopping safer
Diminishes abuse of free email account services
Sometimes very difficult to read
Are not compatible with users with disablilities
Time-consuming to decipher
Technical difficulties with certain internet browsers
May greatly enhance Artificial Intelligence