Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Captcha


New member
Now i want to share the results that i got after adding and removing Captcha on one of my website. My registrations rated dropped to about 70 percent after captcha was installed and i am talking about real sign ups not the spam ones.

Tell me if there are any advantages of captcha because according to my experiment although it controlled spam signups but the real people signing ups have also dropped and i think that the biggest disadvantage of using captcha is that the real users can be frustrated after 1-2 unsuccessful tries.
The advantages of CAPTCHA is that it will stop spammers from registering on your site. Spammers and bots cannot tell what letters and numbers there are in a CAPTCHA, therefore stopping them. However, CAPTCHA's may be annoying to type. If someone sees that there is a CAPTCHA when registering, they might back down and not join your site because of it. There is also another chance that the real people you think are registering to your site are bots, and the CAPTCHA is doing its job without losing real visitors and members. You can also look for an alternative to CAPTCHA, I know there are certain plugins that ask a question instead of you typing in a CAPTCHA. If registration doesn't go the way you want it to go, I recommend you use that plugin.
Are you sure they're REAL registrations when you added captcha to your site? If yes, then just add a facebook connect button, and problem solved. Captcha is required on all forms, because spam will happen if your site get's big.

Distinguishes between a human and a machine
Makes online polls more legitimate
Reduces spam and viruses
Makes online shopping safer
Diminishes abuse of free email account services


Sometimes very difficult to read
Are not compatible with users with disablilities
Time-consuming to decipher
Technical difficulties with certain internet browsers
May greatly enhance Artificial Intelligence
That sounds like a pretty severe drop for just enabling a captcha. Which captcha software were you using? Have you tried switching to a different one? There might have been some technical issues and maybe it simply wasn't loading properly for all users. I have encountered some captchas that were near impossible to solve, requiring me to re-enter the info 4 or 5 times just to proceed. If your sign up form is one that clears all the fields when the page reloads after the captcha rejects your submission, that could also cause people to get frustrated because they don't want to fill out all those form fields again.
Capatcha is a real enemy when t comes to registration. I prefer to be able to get registered easily than having to go through some ridiculous capatcha tests. I wouldn't eve register for that forums, blog or website unless it's absolutely necessary.
I wonder if you could do some sort of mouse tracking to see where the dropoff is occurring more specifically on the page. It's generally pretty obvious when a page has a captcha on it, so if they are starting to fill out the form but cannot seem to complete the captcha - that would indicate perhaps it's too hard or maybe even a technical issue. If they are dropping off as soon as they hit the page, then it's possible that it's just because of the presence of the captcha itself, and not how hard it is. There are javascripts that can track mouse movement and give you heatmap reports.
Hi, Captcha are most useful for blogs just to stop spamming thourgh comment posting. Majorly, forums also use Captcha while registrations to stop "BOT" or SPAM registration.
Makes online polls more legitimate
Reduces spam and viruses
Makes online shopping safer
Time-consuming to decipher
CAPTCHA is effectively used to provide various services in security.You might have observed that several best web design companies use this strategy to avoid spam or exploit content. It is effective to reduce spam but ineffective against multiple humans who have something to promote. The good part is, it makes online polls, prevents dictionary attacks and makes sure bots don't enter a web site. I agree with your point that sometimes CAPTCHA can be broken as a security measure using alternatives but that may be replaced using Bayesian spam filters and some other methods.
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Even Captcha stops the spam registering into the website .but yes it is very frustrated when it provide very difficult coding more than once .you have to provide enough simple coding for it .It will be useful for the users as well as for you also.
Now i want to share the results that i got after adding and removing Captcha on one of my website. My registrations rated dropped to about 70 percent after captcha was installed and i am talking about real sign ups not the spam ones.

Tell me if there are any advantages of captcha because according to my experiment although it controlled spam signups but the real people signing ups have also dropped and i think that the biggest disadvantage of using captcha is that the real users can be frustrated after 1-2 unsuccessful tries.

Reduction in the number of registrations may be the sign that most of the registration on your site where through bots. As one of the main advantage of using Captcha is avoid spam and bots as they can't fill the captcha form. Disadvantage of captcha is it's time consuming and many a times it's difficult to understand it.
Captcha: Advantages and Disadvantages
Captcha is a way to differentiate between an automated computer program and a human. It is a box with distorted text that must be deciphered in order to enter free email services, online polls, and to complete online purchases.


Distinguishes between a human and a machine
Makes online polls more legitimate
Reduces spam and viruses
Makes online shopping safer
Diminishes abuse of free email account services


Sometimes very difficult to read
Are not compatible with users with disablilities
Time-consuming to decipher