5 Interesting Facts about Vaping


1. Vaping is Not Smoking

Many people mistake the clouds that a person produces when using a THC vape pen for a smoke. They think that vaping is another way of smoking. However, this assumption is wrong. Vapor and smoke may look the same from a distance. Therefore, it’s understandable to make this assumption. What’s more, both smoke and vapor come from the mouth of an individual after inhaling from a traditional cigarette and a vape, respectively.

However, it’s crucial to clarify that when a person vapes, they inhale and exhale a vapor. It is not the same as smoke. Smoke is created when a substance is burned. Vapor, on the other hand, is produced when a liquid is heated at a high temperature.

Vaping entails the use of a vape battery to heat a vape juice or oil. That’s why vapers don’t carry lighters around. Vapor is considered healthier because it just changes the state of the e-liquid into a vapor. Smoke, on the other hand, is a waste of a burned product. That means it has harmful chemicals that a smoker inhales.

Research has shown that though marijuana is nicotine-free, smoking it exposes a person to lung damage. That’s because smoke from any source can pollute the human lungs. It’s for this reason that people that want to enjoy the potential health benefits of marijuana are turning to vape it instead of smoking.

2. Secondhand Vaping Can Happen
A significant health hazard that is associated with traditional smoking is that the habit is not restricted to an individual smoker. Smoke can get into almost everything. That means even people living with or near a smoker can involuntarily inhale the smoke. It might not be a big issue when a person walks past a smoker in the street. But, it’s a major cause for concern in some circumstances, like when children live a parent that frequently smokes inside the house.

Secondhand vaping can also happen. That’s why many THC pen manufacturers urge their users to be responsible when vaping. Vaping is not completely harmless. Though some people consider vaping as a better alternative to traditional smoking, some e-juices contain nicotine and other ingredients that some people don’t want to be exposed to.

Therefore, vapers should be mindful of other people when vaping. If possible, they should find a space where they vape without exposing non-vapers to secondhand vapor.

3. Vaping Competitions are Becoming Increasingly Popular
Many people don’t know much about vaping competitions yet. But, these are the real thing. Cloud chasing is a significant objective during these competitions. It entails trying to create the most considerable vapor clouds. People are having fun as they try to outdo other vapers. Many people are enjoying this activity endlessly. What’s more, some people are engaging in this activity using harmless e-liquids. For instance, a person can use a marijuana vape pen to vaporize water.

Although cloud chasing might not be a structured representation or an official organization, it’s something that vaping aficionados are having fun doing together. Some people are not vapers, but they are investing in the best vape pens to produce majestic clouds of vapor as they engage in this competition. The result is that vaping is becoming increasingly popular across the globe.

4. Vaping Existed During the Times of the Ancient Egyptians
Vaping is not a new concept. New vapes indeed emerged in the mid-2000s. But, this didn’t mark the beginning of experimenting with the vaporization of different substances to reap their benefits. What happened is that humans came up with a fancy device for doing called an electronic cigarette. This was followed by the modern-day THC oil pen that is used to vaporize e-liquids.

Vaping dates back to ancient Egypt times. Ancient Egyptians would mix different herbs and head them into vapor. It resulted in the effect that supposedly cleared their minds and cured some diseases. However, this vaping ritual was done within the religious context.

5. Vaping can save money
According to experts, vaping can save the lives of over 50,000 smokers in the UK. Electronic cigarettes were initially designed for traditional smokers that want to avoid the health problems associated with smoking. That’s because they are meant to heat herbs or e-liquid into a vapor that a person inhales instead of smoke. Thus, vaping produces the same effect as smoking but without the harmful effects of the smoke from a traditional cigarette.

But, that’s not all. Switching from smoking to vaping can save you money. However, this depends on the unique circumstances of a person. However, it happens more frequently, making it worth considering.

Smoking has significant financial consequences. Buying cigarettes every day is costly. But, if you purchase the best THC vape pen, you can use it severally. That means investing in the best device for vaping is a sure way to save the money you would spend on traditional cigarettes every day.
Vaping entails the use of a vape battery to heat a vape juice or oil. That’s why vapers don’t carry lighters around.
In this sense vaping is definitely safer than smoking, but a good battery defines 99% of safety of a certain vaping device. I tried lots of different brands, decided that vision spinner 2 from Vision is the best option, as it also can be used with multiple attachments.

Vaping vs. Smoking: Understanding the Differences and Implications​

1. Vaping is Not Smoking

Many people mistake the clouds produced when using a THC vape pen for smoke, assuming vaping is just another way of smoking. However, this assumption is incorrect. While vapor and smoke may appear similar from a distance, they are fundamentally different.

Vapor vs. Smoke:

  • Smoke is created by burning a substance, releasing harmful chemicals and particulates.
  • Vapor is produced by heating a liquid to a high temperature without combustion, resulting in a cleaner inhalant.
Vaping involves using a vape battery to heat vape juice or oil, transforming it into vapor. This process is considered healthier than smoking because it does not involve burning, thereby reducing the inhalation of harmful chemicals. Research indicates that while marijuana itself is nicotine-free, smoking it can still damage the lungs due to the harmful effects of smoke. This has led many to prefer vaping marijuana to harness its potential benefits without the associated risks of smoking.

2. Secondhand Vaping Can Happen

A significant health concern associated with traditional smoking is secondhand smoke, which affects non-smokers in the vicinity. Smoke permeates the environment, exposing others to its harmful effects, especially in enclosed spaces like homes.

Secondhand Vaping:

  • Vaping can also result in secondhand exposure, although the risks are generally considered lower than those of secondhand smoke.
  • Some e-juices contain nicotine and other substances that others may not want to inhale.
Manufacturers of THC vape pens urge users to be responsible and considerate of non-vapers. It’s essential for vapers to find spaces where they can vape without exposing others to secondhand vapor.

3. Vaping Competitions are Becoming Increasingly Popular

Vaping competitions, also known as cloud chasing, are gaining popularity. These events focus on producing the largest and most impressive vapor clouds, providing a fun and competitive outlet for vaping enthusiasts.

Cloud Chasing:

  • Participants use various devices, including THC vape pens, to create massive vapor clouds.
  • Some competitions feature harmless e-liquids, such as water vapor, for safer participation.
While not formally organized, vaping competitions have become a global phenomenon, contributing to the rising popularity of vaping.

4. Vaping Existed During the Times of the Ancient Egyptians

Vaping is not a novel concept. While modern e-cigarettes and vape pens emerged in the mid-2000s, the practice of vaporizing substances dates back to ancient times.

Historical Vaping:

  • Ancient Egyptians vaporized herbs for their supposed mind-clearing and medicinal effects.
  • These rituals were often conducted within religious contexts.
Modern vaping devices, such as electronic cigarettes and THC oil pens, are sophisticated versions of these ancient practices.

5. Vaping Can Save Money

Switching from smoking to vaping can lead to significant financial savings. Smoking daily is costly while investing in a quality THC vape pen allows for repeated use and long-term cost efficiency.

Cost Benefits:

  • Traditional smoking involves continuous expenditure on cigarettes.
  • Vaping, though it requires an initial investment in a device, can be more economical over time.
Additionally, experts suggest that vaping could save the lives of over 50,000 smokers in the UK by providing a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. Thus, vaping not only offers health benefits but also potential financial savings.


Understanding the differences between vaping and smoking is crucial for making informed decisions about personal health and lifestyle. While vaping presents a healthier and more cost-effective alternative to smoking, it is essential to consider the potential risks and responsibilities, especially concerning secondhand exposure. As vaping continues to evolve, so does the need for awareness and responsible usage.
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