Search results

  1. FarmOrwell

    Good VPS at $10/mo?

    Hello, Where do you get Good VPS from? I managed to find: Cyprus VPS hosting solutions. Are they good? Where can I read customer hosting reviews about them?
  2. FarmOrwell

    Looking for reliable VPS Hosting

    Can someone describe their VPS hosting signup methodology. I'm opposed to fully automating the process. I'm too the point, we want to take orders, but worry about the spammers using resources before a follow verification check can be done. We feel our network, redundancy and planning are solid -...
  3. FarmOrwell

    VPS hosting service with OpenVZ virtualization?

    My requirements are 1000GBs - bandwidth and 30GBs - disk space. I have found out openvz vps, but don't really know if I could trust them. Do you know them? Are they good for VPS hosting service?
  4. FarmOrwell

    Cheap vps hosting with dedicated IP?

    I'm looking for a cheap vps hosting with dedicated ip. Anyone has any good idea or any details of any provider. budget is 20 usd. Requirements: 30gbs hosting space, Dedicated ip, 100% uptime. What are your views on vps hosting packages? Are they affordable? Any other host for...
  5. FarmOrwell

    Best Canada based OpenVZ VPS? Where?

    Hello, What is the best OpenVZ VPS hosting provider here? I need the one in Canada. Google search returned: Can I trust them?
  6. FarmOrwell

    Hosting For Ecommerce Websites?

    I need to run a e-commerce site and run more than 1 lack query per hour for few days till I need to insert the products via a API/web scraping. My current hosting has a limit of 45000 queries per hour, which is very less. Can someone suggest a budget hosting for same? What are your views on...
  7. FarmOrwell

    vps solutions at affordable price?

    Requirements: 100 gbs HD; 2GBs RAM, 24/7 tech support. And I wanted to ask your help to one that is reliable, and have an affordable price. I'd be very grateful for the feedbacks and reviews on kvchosting vps solutions. Any suggestions please?
  8. FarmOrwell

    Quality e-hosting service?

    Hello! I've been looking for good and quality hosting service provider. I managed to find cheap web hosting. Require 30 SSD GB HD, 4GB of RAM. Do you think they are good? Any alternatives for comparison?
  9. FarmOrwell

    Cheap hosting with dedicated ip?

    Looking for a cheap hosting with dedicated ip. Anyone has any good idea or any details of any provider. Budget is 10 usd. Requirements: 20gb hosting space, Dedicated ip, 100% uptime. What are your views on hosting packages? Are they affordable? Any other host for comparison...
  10. FarmOrwell

    VPS with ddos protection?

    I'm looking for VPS with ddos protection. I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 2GB of RAM and at least 20GB of Space, I have a budget of $25 a month. Have seen offered low-cost NL VPS solutions? Any comments on their reliability and speed? Alternatives for...
  11. FarmOrwell

    Looking for VPS Host

    Thought I found a couple of great VPS hosts after a week of research and got totally hosed in the final hours. Is this possible... VPS Host, Managedwith affordable Add-on Support, 4GB RAM, Responsive & Friendly Any information on VPS servers reliability? What VPS hosting provider...
  12. FarmOrwell

    What server locations does QHoster offer?

    Hi, What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there? I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected. Have seen web host offered nice server hosting plans. What server locations do they offer? Are they reliable? Any other recommendations?
  13. FarmOrwell

    Good provider for ecommerce hosting?

    Hello I need an ecommerce hosting account. Need a DDos Protected hosting 30 SSD gbs Budget : 20 usd What are your views on website hosting solutions? Are they reliable? Any reviews, please?
  14. FarmOrwell

    Require cPanel hosting

    I'm looking for the hosting solution with these specs: 20GBs - SSD space, 500Gbs - transfer! Any experience with cheap cPanel web hosting service? I've found them via google search and their hosting plans and price for them meet my needs. So, are they trustworthy? What should...
  15. FarmOrwell

    Reliable scalabe VPS?

    We are moving ahead from beta launch of a business app and will start getting more traffic. Initially app will provide xml to 1k-2k daily mobile users with 10% using web access and this figure may go up 10-20 times by end of this year. Our users are paid users. So we can afford to pay for...
  16. FarmOrwell

    E-Hosting with ddos protection required

    I'd like to make a notion on reliable web hosts offering E-Hosting. Requirements: 50 gbs of space, 1500 gbs of bandwidth, Linux, 24/7 customer support. Is their any good web host with nice server stability? How good is Europe VPS hosting providers? Any comments please? What host is...
  17. FarmOrwell

    SSL & VPS for High Power websites?

    Hi, What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there? I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected. Have seen web host offered nice server hosting plans. Are they reliable? Any other recommendations?
  18. FarmOrwell

    Well-priced cPanel hosting solutions?

    Hey guys, I'm really trying to avoid going with a major web host that throws money into advertising with false review sites and such. But I literally cannot find any legit site that shows trustworthy reviews. I'm looking for a web hosting service for a friend. Requirements: 40 gigs of space...
  19. FarmOrwell

    I need HD video hosting server

    Hi, I need a HD video hosting server. Need Huge traffic but it will be good if they have good Hardware. What are your views on web hosting solutions? Can I trust them? What host is better? Please suggests. Thanks.
  20. FarmOrwell

    Require E-Hosting VPS

    I'd like to make a notion on reliable web hosts offering E-Hosting. Requirements: 50 gbs of space, 1500 gbs of bandwidth, Linux, 24/7 customer support. Is their any good web host with nice server stability? How good is vps hosting provider? Any comments please? What host is...