Search results


    Any Blockchain wallet recovery service?

    Greetings to all members, need your help. Are there any reliable crypto wallet recovery services available? What can you also say about Blockchain wallet recovery solutions? Can I trust them? Any feedbacks about their pricing, features? Regards.

    Green (environmental friendly) Web Hosting?

    I wanna know about the most reliable hosting providers offering Green hosting services. Think that it will be reasonable to deal with the company that is environmental friendly. Any recommendations please?

    magento commerce based online shop?

    Hello, I have magento commerce based online shop. I want add up to 100 000 products. and 3000 menus/submenus. Can someone recommend fast VPS for me? What are your views on VPS hosting solutions? (and is there any example website). I have search many offers, but i don't know...

    Affordable dedicated server in Europe?

    I need dedicated server in Europe. 1 TB HD; band of 1 Gbps, 24 GB RAM, 24/7 tech support. And I wanted to ask your help to one that is reliable, and have an affordable price. I'd be very grateful for the feedbacks and reviews on solutions. Any suggestions please? What...

    VPS with easy to use control panel?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a web hosting service for a friend. Requirements: 40 gigs of space, GOOD uptime, easy to use control panel, great support. What can you say about VPS hosting solutions? Can I trust them or will you recommend me any alternative for comparison?

    Canada VPS solutions?

    Need Canada VPS for for mass video upload: 2 Guaranteed vCPU 4 GB RAM 50 GB RAID 10 SSD Storage 50 GB Backup Storage 2 TB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer Vesta Control Panel What are your views on Canada VPS solutions? Are they good? Any reviews? What other hosts can you suggest me looking at?

    Looking for reliable vps host

    Any help, dudes? Need 100 gbs of ssd + 2000 gbs of bandwidth. I've already registered .pk domain. Budget is $40/mo. Any info openvz vps packages? Are they good? Alternatives?

    Highly reliable and scalabe VPS?

    We are moving ahead from beta launch of a business app and will start getting more traffic. Initially app will provide xml to 1k-2k daily mobile users with 10% using web access and this figure may go up 10-20 times by end of this year. Our users are paid users. So we can afford to pay for...

    Dedicated server for huge traffic website?

    Hi, I need a HD video hosting server. Need Huge traffic but it will be good if they have good Hardware. What are your views on server hosting solutions? Can I trust them? What host is better? Please suggests. Thanks.
  10. LIKEUS

    Need fix Wordpress problems

    Hello, I need help in choose the most professional provider who fix Wordpress problems. Require: - WordPress theme and plugin support, - Error and bug fixing, - WordPress migrations, - also stable & fast hosting. Do you know anything about managed WordPress solutions? Are they...
  11. LIKEUS

    Web hosts that have servers in Canada?

    I decided to ask forum members if they know about this host... I have found out that has servers in Canada and this what I need. The only thing I am worrying about is the reliability of this hosting provider. Will it be worth using their hosting solutions? Do they offer any...
  12. LIKEUS

    I need a HD video hosting account.

    Hi, I need a HD video hosting account. Need Huge traffic but it will be good if they have good Hardware. What are your views on and also hosting solutions? Can I trust them? What host is better? Please suggests. Thanks.
  13. LIKEUS

    Easter hosting deals 2023?

    Hello, would like to get to know all Easter Hosting Specials 2023 available now. I've found started to offer nice Easter Deal: Any feedbacks please? Other specials?
  14. LIKEUS

    I'm looking for hosting with ddos protection

    I'm looking for hosting with ddos protection. I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 8GB of RAM and at least 50GB of Space, I have a budget of $30 a month. Have seen and offered low-cost vps solutions? Any comments on their reliability and speed...
  15. LIKEUS

    Can someone suggest a budget hosting?

    Let me explain my issue. I need to run a e-commerce site and run more than 1 lack query per hour for few days till I need to insert the products via a API/web scraping. My current hosting has a limit of 45000 queries per hour, which is very less. Can someone suggest a budget hosting for same? Do...
  16. LIKEUS

    Cheap hosting for e-commercing?

    Looking for any suggestions on these needs: - 100 gbs of hard disk, Linux, 2 GB - ram, e-commerce (magento or os commerce). I'd like to know your views on web hosting plans? What hosting provider is better? Any info about them?
  17. LIKEUS

    VPS servers? budget $50/mo.

    I'm looking for VPS with ddos protection. I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 8GB of RAM and at least 50GB of Space, I have a budget of $50 a month. Have seen offered Managed VPS? Any comments on their reliability and speed? Alternatives for comparison?
  18. LIKEUS

    Quality cPanel web hosting?

    Hello! I have been looking for good and quality hosting service provider. I managed to find webhost - Require 30 SSD GB HD, 4GB of RAM. Do you think they are good? Any alternatives for comparison?
  19. LIKEUS

    Looking For Ecommerce Hosting

    Hey guys, I am in search of a reliable host offering feature-rich Ecommerce Hosting: 100 gbs of SSD space, 1000 gbs of bandwidth, Linux. Any info on OpenVZ VPS? Is the price ok for their packages? What hosting provider would you rather choose? Why?
  20. LIKEUS

    eco friendly hosting solutions?

    Hi, Does anybody know any seller of hosting solutions medium range. I have seen some deals here in the deal section around that price, but maybe someone can suggest me from their experience? Any info on eco friendly hosting solutions? Thank you.