The Future of WordPress: Trends to Watch in 2024


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Trends Shaping the Future of WordPress in 2024


1. Easy Drag and Drop Website Builder

In 2024, building websites without knowing complex code is still a popular trend. For example, WordPress 6.1 introduced the Twenty-three theme. It is special because it allows you to use the drag-and-drop feature. These features allow you to easily change the look and feel of your website.

Page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Divi, and Visual Composer consequently let you create web pages by dragging and dropping elements. You don’t have to understand complicated code. Everyone, whether novice to web design or expert, will likely continue to be interested in these drag-and-drop tools. They allow anyone to quickly create a unique website.

2. Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling is a fancy trick used in WordPress websites. It’s when the background of a webpage moves slower than the stuff in the front when you scroll down. Therefore, this makes the website look super cool and keeps you interested.

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3. 3D Elements

In 2024, we’ll see more 3D things, especially with virtual and augmented reality becoming popular. As VR and other fancy tech become common, people will want websites that use this cool 3D technology. Interactive 3D things make websites more interesting and catch people’s attention. You can have things that stay still or move around.

The important part is to make them fit nicely into the website and not make it slow to load. While some folks think websites will become simpler, they’ll become livelier. Instead of being super simple, websites are going back to looking more real. It’s like fashion – things go in circles!

4. Voice Search Integration

Voice search is a cool thing that’s becoming popular in the world of web development for WordPress. It’s like talking to your computer! When a website has a voice search, you can just use your voice to find stuff on it. It’s handy and lots of people like it, especially those who use voice-activated gadgets for everyday things like searching the internet.

Some companies can help you add voice search to your WordPress website. They’re experts in making this tech work smoothly. So, when you talk to your website, it understands you well and finds what you want.

These companies make it easy for anyone, even if you’re not a tech whiz, to use voice search on your website. Businesses can quickly make their websites talk-friendly with their help, giving users a cool and different way to find stuff.

5. AI and Machine Learning

The AI world is really exciting right now! There’s this thing called GPT-4 coming soon. Lots of smart folks who make WordPress plugins and themes are getting ready to use it. They want to make it super easy to solve common problems with just one click!

This AI and machine learning stuff will be a big deal in the next round of updates for plugins and themes. It might do all sorts of things like making website content, adding special tags, and images, and even creating chatbots. It could help with things like privacy pages and security too. AI is going to make websites even smarter!

6. Chatbots: Your 24/7 Website Helpers

More and more businesses are using chatbots to make their WordPress websites better. But what’s a chatbot? It’s like a computer helper that can talk to people like a real person. These chatbots are super smart.

7. Minimalist Web Design

Do you know how sometimes the simplest things are the best? Well, that’s the idea behind minimalist web design! Nobody has the time or patience for websites that are all over the place with confusing menus or pages that take forever to load because of flashy stuff. The future of web design is all about being clear and simple.

It is about using clean, neat layouts to make everything look tidy and focused. It’s like having a clean room with lots of space to think. You’ll notice this trend in the use of white backgrounds, easy-to-read fonts, and simple colour choices.

Minimalism is getting more popular because of two things. First, everyone wants websites that work well on all devices, and minimalistic designs are great for that. Second, we all want websites to load super fast. Minimalist designs help with that too, plus they’re easier to take care of and update. It’s like having a low-maintenance garden that always looks great!

8. Multilingual Support in WordPress

Imagine being able to talk to people from all over the world, no matter what language they speak. That’s the power of multilingual support in WordPress web development!

With multilingual support, businesses and organizations can be like global ambassadors, offering their content in lots of different languages. This makes non-English speaking visitors feel right at home and helps businesses grow their audience.

Here’s how you can make your WordPress website multilingual:

9. Dark Mode UI

We get it: you probably spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen, just like us. And those completely white backgrounds can be really annoying to the eyes! But did you know that most of our gadgets can switch to the so-called “dark mode”? It’s like magic: it turns those blinding white backgrounds into dark backgrounds with light-colored text. It’s easier to see.

Now for the fun part: Websites don’t do this automatically, but there are handy plugins that can make your site look dark. Or, if you’re starting from scratch, you can design your site in “dark mode” from the start. Designing a website in dark mode is much better than trying to modify the site later or add additional plugins. Plus, it’s easier on your eyes—no more squinting at those bright white screens!

10. Adaptive Media and Responsive Design

You know what’s frustrating? When you visit a website and everything looks wonky on your screen. The pictures are too big, the text is all over the place, and you have to scroll left and right just to read anything. Not cool, right?

Adaptive media is like having different outfits for different occasions. It means your website can look one way on a computer but change its style when someone’s on a phone. Then there’s responsive design. This is like having a super-flexible website that looks awesome no matter if you’re using a computer, tablet, or phone. No more annoying scrolling left and right to see stuff – it just fits perfectly on your screen.

So, why do we care about all this? Well, because we want your website to be a hit no matter where you’re looking at it. A website that works well on all devices keeps visitors happy and engaged. It’s like making sure your favourite song sounds great whether you’re listening on headphones or blasting it through speakers!