Are there any templates tailored towards (Amazon) book reviews?


New member
I see so many templates optimized for videos, photos, or even screenshots, with wide rectangles for thumbnails. But where are the templates designed around the small book image, which is taller than it is wide? Bonus points if it automatically retrieves and formats the images and affiliate links for you (though I have a plugin that will do that, I just think it would be a nice feature) and has space allocated for AdSense ads.
What you are looking for sounds a lot like Ureeka. It is a word press theme optimized for book reviews, ebooks, and other type of book related publishing sites. It looks very slick, in my opinion.

It has mixed reviews, because it is not complaint with WC3 standards. This in turn makes it not so SEO compliant, so you might want to add an SEO plugin to help boost the site once you install the theme.

Check it: UreekaWordpress Themes - Best Free WP Themes WordPress Theme | Best Free WordPress Themes
I doubt that you'll find a template to do all of that, but you could use a template design for a "review" site and adapt it. I think a template optimized for photos could work also. Maybe find a Fiverr gig to setup the automated aspects.
I did post a reply with a template that did in it. It was a ebook / review template for wordpress. I have no Idea why my post was not posted. Maybe it needs moderation?

Anyway, the theme was called Ureeka.
Those are very nice templates. Are they actually free? I'll download a couple and give them a try. Thanks.