Wordpress Became Slow after Installing Plugins


New member
Recently i have installed quite a few plugins on the wordpress blog and have noticed that the blog have became very slow after all of this plugin installation. After it became painfully slow i am now trying to figure out the reason for the sluggish performance but since i have installed about quite a few (around 5) plugins i do not exactly know which plugin is causing this problem to occur.

I have tried to deactivate each plugin one by one but had no luck and i am thinking of uninstalling these plugins but before i uninstall them i want somebody to tell me if there is a better way to combat and deal with this problem. Is there a utility in word press with which i could determine and only uninstall the plugin which is causing this problem or is there any other way this can be determined ?

I have also called my web host regarding this and they can not figure out any problems on the server this Wordpress blog is being hosted. They have suggested me the same thing and that is the plugin problem.
For this very reason you only must install the plugins which you need. Some times it happens that you keep on installing and even if you deactivate them they are not deleted completely and will continue to make you server slow. I would recommend a fresh clean installation of wordpress latest version and then only install the plugins which you will need and use.
This is why you must install and run them one at a time. Physically delete them all, don't disable them, or in your plugins make a folder called OLD and move them all into that. Then put them back on one-by-one so you find out which one slows the blog down.
I've had this problem as well and took the route of significantly minimizing the number of plugins on my site. There is a significant speed cost in some cases and makes it worth thinking through whether a plugin will really have enough added benefit. In general, I find Wordpress to be very slow and is best served by a CDN like Cloudflare.
Five plugins really isn't that much. A default installation of Wordpress already comes with two plugins by default in most cases. There might be another issue with the server your site is being hosted on. You should contact your web host and ask them to help you look into it further. If you are on a shared server, it's also possible another site(s) is suddenly hogging up more resources.
Please install the must have plugin and remove the unfrequently used plugins. Also, some caching plugins like WP super cache will help for this situation. However, installing too many plugins is one of the reasons for slowing down WordPress site. There are many causes to load lowly WordPress site. Please see this article for accelerating the page loading speed for WordPress to learn how to speed up WordPress site.
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