Windows shared hosting accounts?


I require:
30 gbs of HD, 1000 GB of bandwidth, Windows + 24/7 customer support.
What can you say about web hosting solutions
Any info on the quality of their web hosting services and their server stability?
What hosting provider is better? Why?
They do everything that the big hosting companies I have my other sites with do, only they do it much better. package prices also amazed. So the extra money has proven to be a very good investment.
The best thing about is their customer support.
I can express the point that it is a very fair and honest host. They offer fast hosting, that always online.
I'm using Accuwebhosting's Windows Shared hosting since 3 years. They have great support and also they do provide 24x7 live chat support which is amazing to solve small issues quickly.
Their support gets a grade A perfection from me, reliability is as well perfect, and this site has more features and options then any web host i have used. Many thanks to team - thank you!