Windows 8 in a corporate environment?


New member
XP is about to go end-of-life next year and stats show half a billion computers are still using it, even the NHS (UK National Health Service). However, System Administrators are upgrading XP computers around the world to Windows 7, and not Windows 8.

Do you think Windows 8 has a place in business i.e. corporate desktops and not tablets?
I really don't think so honestly, in the corporate environment the operating system people use will probably be just what's most efficient. In terms of familiarity for users and tech support the operating system that's best for that is probably still Windows 7. Windows 8 doesn't particularly have much to offer over Windows 7 which I'd imagine quite a few people already have.
Yeah I have to agree with Orz, you are going to want your employees to be able to get to grips with the new system as quickly as possible as since Windows 7 is very similar they will opt for that.
Why would a company who wants efficiency opt for Windows 8? Maybe if staff get trained up it might be alright, but that's time and money right there. Windows 7 is easy to use and still has security and updates, perfect for business.