Will it create a problem If my website send approx 100 thousand links outside it.?

I am having a website Trzy.in I want to know that if i create a stand alone page in my blogger website which is only having links approx 100000 links which will go to other websites and will work as a backlink for then so will it create any problem for my website and will it downgrade the ranking of my website or can it create any sort of problem for my website..
Hello guys..

Hi, The search engines will see your site as a links farm that is trying to employ black hat SEO methods and any search rankings your site had previously will be wiped out. The important search engines don't like such black hat techniques and they cottoned on to them years ago. If you really want to be successful in web design and SEO you need to stop trying to con the search engines, it won't work. Be ethical, be good, do your homework and do things properly and you will succeed, try to scam and you will get found out and you will do yourself no favours in the long run, you will just waste your time and get your domains blacklisted.

Food for thought.

Hope that helps...