Will Google penalize me if I buy links?

Denis Hard

New member
The fastest way to create backlinks is to pay for them. There are a number of blog networks I've come across which offer this service. You pay them to list a link on one of the many sites they own.

All you need to do is hire freelancers and have them write a short article, include links to your site and you'll have live links on a lot of websites. If you do that 1,000 times, you'd have one thousand backlinks in less than a week if you have enough money to spend.

I'd like rank high on Google and I'm thinking this might be a good way to get such a rank fast. Do you you think I'll penalized for this?
It depends on how they handle the links. Some people will simply hack into other forums and put your links and articles in those places where they are not welcome. If the forum owner categorises it as spam then google may penalise you for it. If however they are good freelancers that manually put those links into allowed places, then it is a good service and you should go for it.
Unfortunately you will not know how Google will handle this until you do it. You need to understand that Google relies on scaring SEOs, they want them to stay away from what works, so they'll often put stories in the media about how they cracked down on a major site for buying links. But I can assure you, there are thousands that are doing it just fine.