Will Google Ever See Any Major Competition?


New member
By now, Google pretty much has their hand in everything, from search engine to social networking and even hardware such as the Google Chromebook and Google Glasses. My question is, do you think there will ever be a search engine that might one day do a better job and ultimately topple Google from its top place, or are they too far ahead to lose to any competition at this point? My opinion on it is no, they will probably never see any major competition anymore, they have acquired so many assets and are too far ahead of any competition especially in the way and accuracy of how they develop their technology, which I think is especially evident in Youtube.

So what do you guys think? Do you predict that maybe one day, in ten or twenty years, we will be saying Bing instead of Google when referring to things we are searching for?
People are trying to push this Bing thing on us. You see in certain TV shows, they will "Bing It" and these new ads saying Bing is better than Google. For me, the reason I use Google is that it gets me the results I want within the first page.

If I misspell something, or use some obscure words for describing something because I do not know the name, Google still brings me what I want. Bing does not!

I think you are right, Google now, is just so much more than a search engine that it would be hard for any new company to rival it, it pretty much has a monopoly these days. Even their mail system with gmail is better than solid mail providers that do only mail.
I don't think there will be any real competition for Google anytime soon. It has simply gotten too big. I'm not a fan of Bing myself...I have given it a try a few times because I sometimes like the "underdog," but I wasn't impressed.

I do still enjoy the Yahoo website. I have a Yahoo email address, and I prefer it over my Gmail accounts...I'm not sure why, maybe it's just because I'm more comfortable with the layout and all. I also like reading the news stories and such on the site, but I definitely don't think Yahoo will ever be real competition for Google, that's for sure. I'm not sure anyone will be anytime soon.