Why my site is penalized ?

The first step to make before even starting to optimize your website for Google is to check if your domain is under a penalty. A website that is penalized by Google cannot achieve good rankings so your priority is to find out which algorithmic changes are affecting your web property and create a recovery plan.

What is IsMyWebsitePenalized.com (IMWP)?

IMWP is a free service for webmasters, website owners, and SEO professionals. Our goal is simple - to perform a quick and secure search engine penalty test and give you a clear answer about whether or not your website is penalized by Google search engine.

How does it work?

It's very simple. All you have to do is to enter website name (for example: ismywebsitepenalized.com, sub.domain.com, etc.) and submit the form. The magic happens behind the scenes where some complex mathematical and statistical analysis takes place. Once all calculations are completed, the results are displayed on the screen.

In addition to examining search engine positions, this tool checks if the "Robots" META tag and the robots.txt file are valid and are properly implemented on the tested website.

How reliable are the results?

We believe the results provided by IsMyWebsitePenalized are as close to the true answer as you can get, even though the real answer is impossible to find out. The ultimate Yes/No answer (especially related to algorithmic penalties) may only be known to the specific search engine algorithms, but our tool (updated every 24 hrs) may not be very far behind them.

Please note the results of this tool are conservative and a tested site will not usually appear as penalized in case of unfavorable algorithmic assessments that may have been applied to it.

What is the difference between PENALIZED or DEFINITELY PENALIZED?

The difference is small but may have significant implications. In general, PENALIZED means that one of the two crucial search engine query logs indicate that your website is penalized. If data from both of the crucial queries are true then the result appears as DEFINITELY PENALIZED.

Important: Parked domains, redirected domains, or new websites (launched less than 2 months ago) will almost always appear as PENALIZED or DEFINITELY PENALIZED.

What if the result is HARD TO TELL?

HARD TO TELL results are usually a good sign to a website owner because they are preventable and easy to fix. They are typically related to incorrect use of the "Robots" META tag or the robots.txt file. Once the issues are resolved, search engine rankings of the affected websites almost always improve back to normal without any other extra effort.

What are the most common technical mistakes related to websites in relation to SEO work?

- Improper use of the "Robots" META tag. For example, using the NOINDEX tag on pages intended to be indexed.

- Improper use of the robots.txt file. For example, using of the 'disallow: /' directive for content intended to be accessed by search engine robots.

- Search engine indexing issues caused by creating multiple URLs pointing to the same page/content or incorrect use of the Canonical Tag. For example, publishing the same content on different pages and linking to both the index page and root domain.
New Google Advanced Analytics algorithms can penalize your site on strange patterns: maybe they identified your link network, or your link patterns look suspicious...and dozens of other reasons exist...
New sentiment algos can help Google to find real meaningful content - so if there was any issue with the quality / uniqueness the SERP results can be weak without penalty...