Why Is Link Building Important..?


Link building*is an SEO tactic to get the*hyperlink from other site or pages*on our site to our page. it helps search engines to crawl the individual pages, to crawl the link in the single page and it will crawl the entire site that can engage a user on the site.

Some examples of Link building are:
1.Guest posting
2.Image posting
3.Social signals post Submission
4.Video submission
5.Local listing
6.Directory Submission
7.PPT submission
8.Q/A forum submission
9.Blog*& Article submission

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When Google determines which pages to rank for a given query, one of its biggest considerations is the quantity and quality of inbound links to the page. The number of relevant links pointing back to your domain (along with the quality of those sources and other quality factors) determines a major portion of that domain authority. The higher your domain authority, the higher you’re likely to rank for any relevant search query.
Link building is important because it helps to build trust of your domain in search engines and rank keywords higher in search results. They also help to generate good traffic to your website from external webpages.