Why Is Cloud Hosting Expensive

Do any body know why cloud hosting is expensive than traditional web hosting and is there any real difference in the speed or reliability that cloud hosting offers verses normal dedicated server hosting.

It was mentioned somewhere on the internet that most of the cloud hosting companies do not have true cloud and they just claim to be cloud hosting to charge more price to their customers but in fact they are not cloud so what do you think of this ?
I guess it's expensive because the cloud comprises of a whole network, so if your website can't go down. If the one cloud server goes down, it will just run from the other cloud server. Also cloud servers often have DDOS protection, so the health of the cloud is always at maximum and it's pretty much 100% stable. I'm still on shared hosting for my personal site, but the cloud is my next step up.
choose the best website that offers you the cheaper hosting price..there are websites that offer hosting services and domain is only for free..i better recommend citidomain.net..
Cloud computing is costly because whole process is done over Internet/Cloud. Also it saves your time and resources. You can upgrade resources when you want or leave when work is done.. There are other benefits too that increases cost of cloud computing..
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I'd like to say that ViUX.com is the best option to get cloud hosting solutions at low prices. They have stable network, professional support and high performance of servers.
Cloud servers originated from dedicated server cluster, which is more stable than Shared ones. So it costs more.
I know that with cloud server hosting from Maxihost.com.br everything works like a clock. They are delivering reasonable deals with high stability of network and skilled support team.
Most cloud computing server provides real N+1 or N+2. if your physical server fails or down, it transfers your complete information in to new physical server. So there is no need of using more dedicated server. And also there is more security provided to your data in this type of hosting. This is what the reason why cloud hosting is more expensive.
The cost will depend on what you actually plan to host on the cloud service provider, the resources you use and the amount of usage in terms of bandwidth, storage and latency.

To put this perspective, my personal site on AWS cost around $1.5/month whereas an enterprise financial analytics solution that we have on AWS cost us $5000/month.
Hi, It is good to see these great explanations on Cloud hosting and its expensiveness. I also think that cloud hosting is little expensive but seeing the server's response it is not that much. I was here to ask some help from you guys my openstack failed to create network which I tried so many times but it is failing can anyone help me in fixing it?
