Why Google Keep On Changing Its Algorithm All The Time


New member
For the web masters and SEO community the biggest news is always the Google search algo update. I do not understand that why Google always keep on changing their algorithm. My friends who keep upto date with SEO tells that Google algo changes some time in a matter of weeks and the search results keep on shuffling. Even some big websites who replied on search engine traffic have stopped worrying about it because no body can guess what is going to happen next and no body except Google can do any thing about it.

Many online business are at complete mercy of Google to bring traffic to them. My question is that why is this algo changed on so frequent basis and can they slow down the speed of algorithm change to give web masters and SEO professionals at least room and time to understand that what is happening so they can adjust their websites and make them Google friendly.
They simply want the people online who uses google for search be prompt with best results and informative websites on the first page and isn't this what we want if we are searching for things online? This is why they constantly improve their algorithm to identify these websites.
If they didn't keep changing it then people like internet marketers would end up hogging all the top 10 places on every keyword. By fine tuning it every few months they keep internet markets trying to keep up. However, stick to the good articles on your site and a good flow of random backlinks you'll pass every upgrade without a problem.
They have to keep changing it or people will game the algorithm. What really sucks is if they make a change for something that used to be "White hat". and is no longer. Such as keyword density. It used to be acceptable up to about 5% - 6%, now it isn't. So all those articles that were acceptable by Google are considered spam.
They want to make sure they address that latest popular things. Like social signals were recently introduced as part of the rank algorithm as social media is one of the biggest uses of the internet. Of course, the ranking algorithm changes also serve a purpose to counter black hat SEO practices.
There are a group of internet marketers who, according to Google, are out to game their system. Google doesn't like that and makes adjustments to counteract this group of marketers.

I don't think it's wise to depend on one avenue for traffic especially Google. That's a recipe for disaster. Diversification is best. If one avenue changes overnight, you're business won't dry up.
They could also be making frequent changes to correct some of the flaws in their ranking algorithms which might be causing high quality sites to lose rankings accidentally. These could be minor updates to a larger change that occurred months prior.
They want to make sure they address that latest popular things. Like social signals were recently introduced as part of the rank algorithm as social media is one of the biggest uses of the internet. Of course, the ranking algorithm changes also serve a purpose to counter black hat SEO practices.
Google is in a business with keen competitors. It is but natural to keep on responding to the changes, keep up with competitions, and be ahead from others. If you noticed, if you are an Adsense publisher like me, the earnings are not like three years ago. There must be reasons for the decline and one guess is perhaps their advertisers are not as many as before. They are changing their strategies to keep up with the business.
The SEO terrain is a battle field,battle field for the strong hearted who can exhibit the tenacity of a weed and determination to succeed.The fight for top spot is heated up--"do whatever it takes" seems to be the name of game,even if you have to game the system.
But Google wants a level playing field for the novice beginners and the "big guys" out there.

Due to the low quality contents, spammy folks and shabby links,or even poorly design sites,Google tries to stay on top of the game to stay relevant in the Search engine space,hence the frequent change in algorithm to weed out the "bad guys".

The upside : Beginners have equal opportunity as the "big guys" out there to get their voices heard and what they have to offer.

The downside:Real sites must update their SEO strategies regularly inline with the algorithm,investing so much time into it to maintain their ranks--so much time invested, which could be channeled into order ventures.

There are numbers of user are doing work on internet. some of are doing good job and some of are doing bad job.

Google will provide exact information that what user searching for.

Sometime user get wrong information about what they are looking for.

So google will penalized those types of website - web pages which are highly spamming and provide inappropriate information to the users.
