Which Wordpress hosting is the best?

The best hosting depends on what you want to do. You can get linux vps or windows servers. Just make sure to use a hosting company that lets you upgrade for no cost or set up fees in case you need more space. I would not use hosting from sites that you need coupon codes for everytime you have to renew.

If your site is for Uk then brixly server located in uk. I ike to host sites for specific countries in that country. if site is for worldwide buy cheap wordpress hosting where ever you find best price. Just make sure to figure out if you want to use cpanel or cpanel alternative before you buy wordpress hosting
How large is your website and what are its storage needs?
On average, how much traffic do you expect each month?

Would like to mention that Zappie host is the best I have ever used before. The site has only been down a very minimal time over the last several years, it loads fast and the service is impeccable.
These hosting providers - brixly.uk as well as simplenet.io - are reliable enough to host a Wordpress blog with.
Plans are full-featured and servers are well-balanced.
I strongly recommend to get service of them. Also fees are very reasonable. Newcomers should try this service.
Services from hostingsource.com and rockhoster.com are worth trying due to their top-noch services.
The price is really good, the service is perfect and the control panel is friendly to use.
It seems to me that kvchosting.net WordPress hosting will work fine.
I have found them to be the best host for support, advice, and pricing out of several hosts I have ever seen before.
I have been with greenwebpage.com web hosting for over 8 months and I have no complains so far.
I'm a web developer and I purchased the hosting account for about 1.99 euro/mo where I host a total of five domains.
I am happy with digitalserver.com.mx website hosting service and am also happy with the control panel. Uptime has been great - 99.9% guaranteed. Good support information including knowledge-base and regularly updated system status. Got SSL certificate and IP address from them at minimal cost.