which is best washing machine LG/SAMSUNG

Thank you very much for your reply. You are the only person who supports me. Here everyone jumped me. But I have just another world view. Yes, you are right, I always thought that pregnancy is difficult and painful. Thet`s why I did not want to become pregnant. But it also so difficult withstands a pressure at home. My husband and parents do not understand me. Thanks again for kind words. Hugs to u in an answer. We have been presented with an opportunity to be part of an invocell trial. This is a device where they put the eggs and the sperm into it and put it back into you for them to fertilize. To treat you as the incubator instead of a lab. Since this is a trial we should be able to try this very cheaply. I am curious as to if anyone else has ever tried this yet and how it worked out? Thank you for any info
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