Which Hosting Company is Over Hyped?


New member
I would say that its HostGator. Since they have been the most searched and most recommended hosting out there.
I have no first hand experience with them and there are a lot of positive and negative reviews about them but then testing them for yourself is the only thing to know whether those reviews are true.
Anyways, I think they are overhyped because of their very good marketing strategy. They have these affiliate programs where I saw a lot of webmasters promoting their Affiliate urls. They have also a massive coupon discounts released every month or so which brings them more customers with it.

As of now, I really want to try their services but I am already ok with my hosting provider and the price seems fair enough compared to hostgator.

So for you, which web hosting company is overhyped?
I have tried hostgator and their service is really good and if you give them a call a live person will be attending the call and usually I have found their people are having nice technical skills and good understanding and usually they do resolve the problems quickly.
My choice for over hyped web hosting is 1&1. They are also over hyped as a domain registrar. I really just don't have anything good to say about them. Running a close second is GoDaddy.

Hostgator was and still is very popular among internet marketers. I have used them for years with no problems. Hostgator was acquired last year and the service hasn't been the same since.
There are a lots of web hosting companies in the hosting industry which are over hyped. But as like you I am also contended with my current web host 9CubeHosting.com So I did not care much about other web host. I get an excellent hosting service at low cost with 24/7 technical team support with my current web host.
Hello why every one here is recommending only hostgator there are many other web hosting companies also present like godaddy, bluehost, primehost and fatcow host. So you all can't go with a sing web hosting company for sure. Also check the others which I have mentioned in my post.
I don’t know about over hyped or over-rated but when it comes to under-rated it definitely has to be GoDaddy as often people talk about them as great registrar for domains but when it comes to hosting not many use it and reason is that not many have used it so that’s why I will suggest people to use it. I am using “50Host” coupon code for getting massive 50% discount.