which are high quality forums for seo websites to increase domain authority

I think forums related to the niche of your site will help you get higher ranks.
You can find lists of forum sites on various SEO sites. Google it and I hope you will find some useful forums.
Like for Hosting and SEO related sites ewebdiscussion is an amazing forum.
1 V7nForum

2 Site owners Forum

3 Joomla Forum

4 CNET Forum

5 Mysql Forum

6 Digital point Forum

7 Affiliate Marketing Forum

8 Site Point Forum

9 Warrior forum

10 ShoutersLands Bloggers forum

11 Deviantart

12 File Sharing Forum

13 Geek Village Forum

14 HTML Forum

15 MyGame Builder Forum

16 PhpBB Forum

17 Webhosting Forum
This all are the best forums
you can go through this forums for increadsing DA
1 V7nForum

2 Site owners Forum

3 Joomla Forum

4 CNET Forum

5 Mysql Forum

6 Digital point Forum

7 Affiliate Marketing Forum

8 Site Point Forum

9 Warrior forum

10 ShoutersLands Bloggers forum