Where to find followers for your blog


New member
It is one thing to write a blog, but another bigger challenge is to find people to follow you. As other bloggers are competing for the same crowd, what tips can you offer to ensure that the right type of people find you, and how can you sustain their interest?
I can think of a few ways but you really have to be open to them.

Forum signature - List your blog in your siganture

Paid - Use services like Ad.Fly to purchase advertising space for cheap.

Backlink- Create custom content for a blog then back link to your site.

Paid backlinking- Partner with a writer, requesting custom content on your site with a backlink, then offer a set amount to the writer.
I can think of a few ways but you really have to be open to them.

Forum signature - List your blog in your siganture

Paid - Use services like Ad.Fly to purchase advertising space for cheap.

Backlink- Create custom content for a blog then back link to your site.

Paid backlinking- Partner with a writer, requesting custom content on your site with a backlink, then offer a set amount to the writer.

I agreed with it.
Forum Signature - Get back links to your blog from relevant forum sites.
Guest Post - Post content on anthers blog and get back links and traffic to your blog.
Social Media - Keep sharing your blog on social sites.
Blog Comment - Get back links from relevant blogs.
It is one thing to write a blog, but another bigger challenge is to find people to follow you. As other bloggers are competing for the same crowd, what tips can you offer to ensure that the right type of people find you, and how can you sustain their interest?

The best way to grow your follower is to take from a blog that already has good number of follower like search engine journal blog has lots of followers so your can create a blog post and submit it in that blog this way you will grow your readership too.
Just publish post for readers, your readers will follow you.

Social Media is one of the great source to find new followers. Utilize Social Media in proper way. Share your blog/site contents on Social Media Regularly.

Do SEO regularly and Properly.
Create content worth following. Be better than your competition.

If you're looking for brand new visitors and followers, being active where your target audience is definitely helps. This includes, but is not limited to forums and social media websites.
Just because getting followers for your business page is the ultimate goal, that ... Treat Your Google Plus Page Like a Micro Blog, and Post Valuable Content.I offer this on my own site (3000+). Kindly, add my account with your email. Or you can make PM.
Hello! For you to be able to find followers you must introduce your blog to them. Find people you think interested with what you blog. Start with your circle of friends. if they like what you blog they'll surely share it. Good luck!
You can easily find blog followers by doing link building and promotion of your blog..
Linkbuilding steps are as follows-
1. Forum Posting
2. Blog commenting
3. Classifieds
4. Local citation
5. Directories
6. Infogarphic
7. Guest post
8. Article submission
It is one thing to write a blog, but another bigger challenge is to find people to follow you. As other bloggers are competing for the same crowd, what tips can you offer to ensure that the right type of people find you, and how can you sustain their interest?

An interesting question and almost every blogger has this in his/her mind. Basically there is no such mantra to get good audience (followers) but to be good enough to be followed. Writing amazing contents as you said is just the first step, you should make sure your blog gets enough visitors first. This can be achieved by SEO, SMO and more, once you get enough visitors you can expect to get followers.

Commenting on other bloggers blogs, Providing rare images (which will get shared and loved), well planned Social presence, offering gifts to followers (a simple PDF guide for XYX will do), and finally PPC (Paid Ads) can also bring in good number of visitors.

Alternatively you can try forming a hub of writers from same industry and do guest blog (also let them do the same) to share your audience and get theirs, create "how to" type of content more than "what is" because "How to" is more valuable than "what is" and will bring in great number of visitors and fans. You can also try adapting to your targeted audience and their likes and dislikes, for instance if you are targeting women write something that they love and never say "girls are __" or they might leave for ever.