What's the next-gen device that will come after smartphones?


New member
Ten years ago nobody knew how important smartphones would be. Now they're a dominating market. Ultimately they consist of miniaturized computing and wireless transmission technologies applied to the concept of a digital cell phone. So what's next? Conceptually, now that we're addressing the need to view, send and utilize data on location via smartphones, what's the need that these technologies will next re-arrange themselves to answer?
I think that for some years we will optimize most current technologies, like smarthphones/wi-fi/laptops etc
After that I think that the next big thing will involve connectivity and augmented reality, it will reach a point where almost everyone will use such a device that is always connected to the Internet no matter where they are.
So I'd say that the next big thing won't be a device, but it will be a idea of everyone being constantly connected.
More evolved smarthphones or even sunglasses with augmented reality will be part of that.
I can imagine something like in Minority Report, when projections will be displayed before us and we can interact with them. Or, more modern, phones will be replaced by smart glasses. It will be like a virtual reality, but it will be all before us.
I hope it's something that benefits the world as a whole and is not just some vanity toy for personal entertainment. Maybe something that can filter and sanitize water instantly, or some sort of way of creatively generating more energy from something simple - to offset our increased energy consumption and make us less dependent on fossil fuels.