What's the best Email service?


New member
I need to have some email accounts rather than Gmail or Ymail as m bored with gmail and ymail email providers. Please tell me, Are there any email provider that provides the Best Email Service ?
Well, I can't be too sure which is the best email service provider. Yes, I use Yahoo!, Gmail and Outlook, but I use outlook more often than I use the others and I use Yahoo! least. However, from the three, I prefer outlook(hotmail) for it's simplicity and fastness. And since you are looking for alternatives to Yahoo! and Gmail, I would advice you to use hotmail.
There are other free providers out there such as mail.com and mail2world.com. Both offer hundreds, if not thousands of domains to choose from, unlike gmail and hotmail. I don't normally use them, other than to set up disposable email addresses, because I own lots of domains, but I know quite a few people who use them. I started recommending mail2world in 2002, people who have been using it since then have never had their accounts hacked, while almost everyone I know with a hotmail account has had that problem, starting around 2008.
My main problem with Gmail is that it automatically gives me a Google+ account. I also don't like seeing ads for something I recently searched for. I have tried the new Outlook. It's okay. It has a lot of strong points. It takes awhile to load on my computer.
My main problem with Gmail is that it automatically gives me a Google+ account. I also don't like seeing ads for something I recently searched for. I have tried the new Outlook. It's okay. It has a lot of strong points. It takes awhile to load on my computer.

Yeah outlook does take a while on my connection too, I don't understand why it needs so much loading when Gmail is instant. A G+ account is going to be needed for YouTube comments in the future so it's not the worst thing to have (if you like YouTube).
Well, my outlook loads alright compared to gmail which most times I've to switch to the older version. In fact, my outlook is even better with outlook standalone app on my windows 8.
I am still an avid Yahoo! mail user. Most of my friends and relatives are Yahoo! mail users so I do not have that much of a choice but to still use my Yahoo! mail.
I used to use Hotmail until it changed to Live, which was alright to me. Now, I use Gmail as my primary E-mail service because Gmail is very good in terms it's simpler and easier to use. The reason I quite using Live was it got hacked, which I decided to end it right there.
The best email provider for me is always gMail. I use to use yahoo mail but it just lags constantly. I wish I was able to go back to how they use to have it set up.
The best email provider for me is always gMail. I use to use yahoo mail but it just lags constantly. I wish I was able to go back to how they use to have it set up.

I agree. Gmail is by far the best e-mail service I have ever used. I wish I have switched to Gmail sooner.