What's In Your SEO Tools Arsenal?


New member
As of right now I have SENuke, scrapebox, Longtail Pro, Market Samurai, and Wiicked Article Creator, how about you?
The only tools that I use is Google Analytics, and the Google Keyword Tool. I don't spend a lot of time analyzing my SEO, but I check my stats daily, and do what I can to improve my results ............
The only tools that I use is Google Analytics, and the Google Keyword Tool. I don't spend a lot of time analyzing my SEO, but I check my stats daily, and do what I can to improve my results ............
By doing what? I think a lot of people are scared of SEO nowadays, because of the Google propaganda. They hear about all of these rumors about how if you only do white hat seo you will not get a penalty, but trust me, that is not true. I know a lot of guys who were spending thousands of dollars each and every month for great content and only getting links the white hat way, and they were still penalized. Google is unpredictable, and they cannot control their own algorithms, even tough they'd like you to think that they can.