What Will Future SmartPhones Look Like


New member
I have been keenly observing the changes in technology specially phones like smartphones and telecommunications in general. I feel that with in the next 10 years there would be no computer , PCs or what so ever. The only thing a person will have will be a smart phone which will be a sort of processor. The person will then wear a glasses and the screen will be visible in his glasses .

The resolution of glasses would have the ability to display different screen modes and depends what you want to see in the glasses. The commands will be given by finger movements and we will not have to carry our heavy laptops and PCs with us any more. Future smartphones will not just be smartphones but they will be replacing every thing and will be more powerful than our most powerful laptops and PCs today.
I think that future smartphones will become as powerful as computers and would be able to run any game or software that requires good hardware. I also think that we will be able to communicate to a computerized person on our smartphones(a much more realistic Siri). I also think that soon, smartphones will be see through without seeing the hardware inside it. I'm looking forward to see what ideas companies like Apple and Samsung are think of for the future.
I think phablets are going to be more popular as the desire for bigger screens increases among commuters who don't want to carry around a phone + separate tablet. Also specs will increase a lot with better processing power and storage. I would like to see better audio capabilities but at the moment the only thing that is improving a lot appears to be the camera function.
Is it me or are phones slowly getting bigger again? My brother has an iPhone 5 and a HTC One which are much larger than my phone, and the manager of my football team has a phone which looks like it is the size of a kindle!
Yeah phones are definitely getting bigger, but it's because the screens are so big. I like it! I think phones will get more powerful, I think digital, non-SLR cameras will die out and MP3 players. They're always talking about bendy screens and stuff so that's probably coming soon.
It's funny because tablets keep getting smaller and smartphones keep getting bigger. Right? At some point they'd just meet halfway through and we can't tell the difference anymore.
I think we'll see devices staying around the same size but getting thinner, I think aluminum and other metals will replace the cheap plastic which we're used to. I also wouldn't be surprised if we say physical buttons being replaced with virtual buttons like you see on Android and instead having the screen extending to cover the entire device.
I think future smartphones will have large screen sizes, as well as screens that are bendable. I think it's true that both LG and Samsung are in the process of making smartphones with bendable screens. I don't know how that works, but I think I would rather stick with the smartphones we have now. I don't think I will ever get a smartphone with bendable screen.
It is like the future smartphones will incorporate everything that a man needs to operate. but the size is a bit discouraging. When smartphone manufacturers are going for larger displays, they are increasing the size of the phones. Large phone are cumbersome to carry around on a daily basis.
Same as they do now, really. At least for a good while. We're leaning towards several wonky concepts like flexible screens and wearable computers, but I doubt they'll take off any time soon. Especially things like Google Glass which sound great on paper, but we're starting to realize how limited their use actually is.
Is it me or are phones slowly getting bigger again? My brother has an iPhone 5 and a HTC One which are much larger than my phone, and the manager of my football team has a phone which looks like it is the size of a kindle!

I think the phablets, which is the name for smartphones that have a screen size of 5.0-inch or above, will slowly flood the whole mobile industry. It's true that there are a lot of people out there are getting used to the bigger screen size of the smartphones/phablets.