What was your first web project?


New member
So I remember two years ago when I first started to get into web development my friend and I wanted to create a game site. We thought it was so cool that we could take a bunch of games and then put them on the web to create a ultimate site. We came to the conclusion we needed to learn HTML and CSS so we started to learn slowly, we would learn a little then go back to the drawing board and code a bit on our site.

My friend gave up, but I kept going I never actually finished the project but I did learn a lot and that's what really got me into web development.

How about you guys?
My first web project was a game I coded in PHP. It was a virtual pet site called Sorpets, and it was a lot like Neopets. We closed down after a week, because I was using stolen art. This was several years ago when I was very young, and I was new to building websites.
My first project was a celebrity blog. It wasn't really a big site but it got tons of traffic a day because of the sexy images of the celebs from FHM magazi nes. I never heard of the owner back then and thr last time I heard of him is that he wanted to move to another host because the site takes a lot of bandwiith and that it needs VPS.
My first paid project was a website for industrial metals. I was asked to build a site and luckily I was allowed to use a template, and I think that was great as a first job because I was just warming up and I didn't really have much confidence in my skills back then. The job was done on time and we were both pleased with working with each other so I would say that my first project was a success even if I wasn't paid that much. It was a great learning experience.
My first project was a guild site for one of the first MMORPGs. It was awful; it was up for weeks before someone kindly emailed me to let me know the image tags were linked to the images on my hard drive.
Oh... I must have a dirty mind then lol.

Do you still have this blog?

Unfortunately, no. I started that blog when I was still naive and penniless. So I hosted that blog on a free site. It was a good site with good uptime but the security wasn't top class so it got hacked and the database got corrupted. End of my site. I may replicate that blog some day when I am done with TwitTwatTwot which is another site with a weird name but nothing to do with anything dirty.
My first web project was creating a blog using Blogger. It was easy just getting a blogsite to show up, but customizing it and fleshing it out was a new adventure for me.
My first project was implementing a chat program to an existing website. It took me many days to complete it and I learned a lot from that project.
My first project was making some Google Sites, I wasn't selling the hosting or anything like that, but the creation of it. I still sell that to people... :) It's pretty easy, insert their text, insert some more info, change some settings, and I'm just about done...
My first web project was a small one. It was for me. I created a website to help my clubs to get the information they needed, a calendar of events and how to contact me. I was the only person in my organization to have a website. I got a lot of gigs from that!
Like almost everyone here, my first website wasn't something huge or ground breaking or even pretty. A simple index.html with the words "hello word!" and various amounts of testing the new Web 1.0 features back in the Windows XP days :p
My first web project was creating a java project using java . java is best programming language. They are many feature added in the java programming language. java is used the awt Abstract window toolkit.
My first big web projects for other people were a personal site I designed for my teacher in college, and a test site I designed for a local ISP which got me hired there as their web designer.

When I was in school taking some classes in web design, one of our final projects was that we had to design a micro site for one of the faculty. Thankfully I got assigned to my photography instructor, so it was fun working on her site and she was very pleased with it.

The other site was a test as part of an interview for a web design position I was applying for. They handed me a brochure and asked me to design a site based off of it. Needless to say I got the job.
My first project is online Hospital Management System, I worked on 3 year age using the Asp.Net technology framework 3.5 using as a front end and SQL Server 2005 used for back end of the site where all databases exists.
Ah that takes me back. My first web project was building a personal web site for myself on About.com, back in 2001 they would allow you to create web sites on their site and they ran a clone of Tripod, I had so much fun creating that, because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was very sad when they stopped hosting web sites.
My first web project was quite much simpler than many of the people above. It was kind of a Guest Book thing wherein friends and others would login and leave a message for me. I did this project somewhere around 1998 and I still have some fond memories of what they posted up on it. The database is still on my desktop. But I do recall, things were quite expensive way back then and I had used a free hosting for this.

The earlier one I did was a simple 3 page website on Triond and it was about me and my skill sets. Plain and simple HTML with Tables!!! I dont term this one as a Web Project as it was more kind of a learning and practice.
My first project is online examination, its a very small project where I learn so much, now i have two more projects and I am working as freelancer.