What Types of Layouts Do You Typically Lean Toward?


New member
Let's face it: Most webmasters have a certain type of layout that they like to go to when they are fresh out of ideas. They might change up the colors or do a few things differently, but they are generally similar. What is your go-to template?

I'd have to say that I like basic templates with somewhat muted colors and links at the top of the page. I guess I'm boring that way, but it's a tried-and-true, and you don't have to worry about people having a hard time getting around on the site. ;)
I agree. I think the current trend in designing has reached a formula that most of us can and do agree with. I also just prefer everything to be simple and as minimalist as I could make it. I find that when I do it this way, the content doesn't get overpowered by the design, which is what the main job of a designer is anyway, to present the content in the least obstructive way possible.
I like fairly basic templates for blogs, tho I do like to add some pictures and customize it a little. I don't need the scrolling banner on the top of my site tho. I need to have 3 columns (1 being the main for the posts) and I like to be able set up pages and categories without limitations. Otherwise I do like it fairly simple. When I add the pictures, it is always ones that I have taken and are quite appropriate for the niche or overall design. I guess maybe I am not as simple as I had thought!
I lean towards a clean design. I don't exactly go for the minimalist styles. I do like a pop of color to make it visually interesting.