What To Do If WebSite Is DeIndexed From Google


New member
Can some body tell me if my website is deindexed or not as there have been no visitors from last few days. Does that means that the website have been de indexed from Google because i used to get more than 10 users per day and now its not even 1 user from last few day.

What are the steps if a website is deindexed from Google and how can it be indexed again.
Can some body tell me if my website is deindexed or not as there have been no visitors from last few days. Does that means that the website have been de indexed from Google because i used to get more than 10 users per day and now its not even 1 user from last few day.

What are the steps if a website is deindexed from Google and how can it be indexed again.

There is a misconception of deindexed. If your pages have been removed from Google because they are not relevant via the algorithm, then there is nothing you can do but write better content, or figure out why the Google algorithm hates your site. Some sites are manually removed from Google due to blackhat SEO, such as buying backlinks. If this has happened to you then you should get a message in your Webmaster tools. You will have to fix the issue, then submit a ticket to Google for reconsideration.

You need to check how many of your pages are indexed by typing site:www.yoursite.com in the Google search engine bar.
Just search for your domain on Google and see if it shows up.

Use 'SITE:xxxxxxx.com'

It is likely you have just dropped down the rankings, and you may (or may not) bounce back up. Just keep using good content and link building.
Hello, for reindexing of website you can request for a "reconsideration request". please make sure to add all step taken to clean up website and ensure to avoid such mistakes in future.
Just search for your domain on Google and see if it shows up.

Use 'SITE:xxxxxxx.com'

It is likely you have just dropped down the rankings, and you may (or may not) bounce back up. Just keep using good content and link building.