What should one do to get out of depression ?


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Depression, characterized by sadness or despair, is linked to many mental health conditions and may manifest as a mild, chronic form or a severe. How to get rid off ?
Exactly a year ago, I was suffering from depression. I was having troubles in my life. But my suggestion the best way to deal with and come out of depression is by increasing your social interactions with good ones.

We can also take counselling for depression from a psychotherapist or counselor. Like

What we do. (Behavioral therapy)
How we think about things. (Cognitive therapy)
How we relate to others. (Interpersonal therapy)

Also we can follow below steps to get out of depression -

Built social support

Engage your hobbies


Self positive talk


Listen your favorite music

Spend time with your family & loved ones

Smile everyday

Don’t worry

& Remember

One Life so No Regrets

Enjoy it.

Feel everyday good.

Time goes on. Make flow with it.

Try to see good in every situation

Do what you feels good.

SILENT & LISTEN are same spelled. Think about it.

Stay Happy & Healthy

Keep reading.

Stay motivated.
The life of a modern resident of a metropolis is filled with a voluminous flow of information and various events, positive and negative, that instantly replace each other. Every day passes in a hurry and bustle, in physical and mental stress. As a result, stress becomes a natural reaction of the body to what is happening. I thought that Mindfulness Teacher Training is exactly what I need now because many psychotherapists believe that all diseases originate in our minds, especially at the moment when we admit the very thought of illnesses and meditation is a fight against stress.
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