What is URL Mapping? How can I do it?

Keyword URL mapping is the process of determining which page of a website should contain certain keywords to maximize the optimization of the entire website as a whole.
We can do this by analyzing the keywords and targeted pages of the keywords. URL mapping is the very important point of the website and it becomes more important when we are going to do SEO. It's important to map your old site's URLs to the URLs for the new site.The exact details of how you generate this mapping will vary depending on your current website infrastructure and the details of the site move.
Google also provides guidelines regarding URL mapping. Visit this link for more details. (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6033086?hl=en)
Keyword URL mapping is the process of determining which page of a website should contain certain keywords to maximize the optimization of the entire website as a whole. A lot of times optimization is only directed at the homepage of a website.
url mapping is one of the best techniques, url mapping help to improve the ranking.

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What is URL Mapping? How can I do it?

Jeya vinoth.J

URL Mapping is a part of On Page optimization, it helps to increase the SEO score of the page. As URL is also one of the important factor which helps to improve the keyword optimization. URL need to be SEO friendly, in other words should be short and provide users sense of what the page is all about.

If your web page is about shoes, than URL should be xyz.com/shoes and not something like xyz.com/page=1.

URL mapping also includes how your pages of the website will be linked, URL structure of each and every page.