What is the meaning of the numerology soul number

What is the meaning of the numerology soul number
What is the numerology soul number?
The soul number in numerology is one of the basic numbers, usually calculated from a person's name. This number is said to reflect the individual's deepest desires, wishes, and inner motivations.

How to calculate soul index in numerology
To calculate soul index in numerology, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert name to number
Each letter in the name will be assigned a number value according to the following rule:
A, J, S: 1
B, K, T: 2
C, L, U: 3
D, M, V: 4
E, N, W: 5
F, O, X: 6
G, P, Y: 7
H, Q, Z: 8
I, R: 9

Step 2: Calculate the number value
- Only count the vowels in your name (for example, in the name “Nguyen Van A”, only count “u”, “ê”, “a”).
- Assign a number value to each vowel according to the table above and add them up.

Step 3: Reduce
- If the sum of the numbers is greater than 9, continue adding the digits until you get a number from 1 to 9.

The meaning of the numbers in the soul index
1. Index 1: Independence, leadership, confidence.
People with this index often have a desire for freedom and want to express themselves.

2. Index 2: Harmony, sensitivity, emotion.
They are often very interested in relationships and have the ability to reconcile others.

3. Index 3: Creativity, communication, fun.
These people often have artistic ability and like to express themselves through communication.

4. Index 4: Practical, persistent, disciplined.
They are often very hard-working, organized and set clear goals.

5. Index 5: Freedom, adventure, discovery.
People with this index love change and are not afraid to try new things.

6. Index 6: Family, responsibility, care.
They are often very devoted to family and friends, tend to care for others.

7. Index 7: Searching, introspective, intellectual.
These people like to spend time for themselves, explore spirituality and knowledge.

8. Index 8: Power, success, ambition.
They often have big goals and good management skills, like to lead others.

9. Index 9: Humanity, service, idealism.
People with this index often have an open heart, care for the community and have a sense of social responsibility.

Each soul index brings different insights into a person's inner aspirations and motivations, helping them better understand themselves and their direction in life.​