What is the major difference between On and Off page SEO..?

On-Page SEO - The basic SEO practice includes a number of modifications within a website. All changes made with a website to improve easy crawling, better cache for getting identified by search engine programs are commonly called as on page SEO optimization. In search engine optimization, on page changes or modification made within a website is very important to provide a better experience for the website users and also for search engine bots.

Off-Page SEO - Off page SEO optimization includes a number activities practiced for improving the ranking of listed page in search engine by conducting several promotional activities, social media shares, reputation building, popularity improvements etc. The classical form of SEO off page optimization refers to the link building activities including directory submission, article submission, press release submission, forum posting, comment link building, guest blogging etc.
On-page SEO refers to improving the on-page factors such as the image optimisation, meta tags, title tags or content management, to improve the on-page experience of both the user and the search engine. Thus on-page optimisation refers to all the techniques done on page for sEO.
Off page seO on the other hand refers to increasing the off-page publicity and visibility of your weblink, through backlinks over forums, blogs, guest posting sites, etc. This off-page SEO helps direct more and more traffic to your website, thus improving your domain authority and search engine ranking.