What is the Main difference between on or off page..?

On page optimization is the process of making a website SEO friendly and lot of points keep in mind when we doing the on page of any website like title tag optimization, meta description of that website, navigation structure of a website and more.
Off Page Optimization is the activity that is done on other sites for our site to increase search engine ranking. Off page is what you do to promote your website like link building, social bookmarking, blog posting, directory submission, Article submission, Blog commenting, smo etc.
On-Page SEO - The basic SEO practice includes a number of modifications to a website. All changes made to a website to improve easy crawling, better cache for getting identified by search engine programs are commonly called as on page SEO optimization. In search engine optimization, on page changes or modification made within a website is very important to provide a better experience for the website users and also for search engine bots.

Off-Page SEO - Off-page page SEO optimization includes a number activities practiced for improving the ranking of a listed page in search engine by conducting several promotional activities, social media shares, reputation building, popularity improvements etc. The classical form of SEO off page optimization refers to the link building activities including directory submission, article submission, press release submission, forum posting, comment link building, guest blogging etc.
On-Page SEO: Type of SEO in which optimization is done inside the website. For example, keyword research and analysis, content writing, use of meta tags, sitemap.xml, internal linking etc.
Off-Page SEO: Type of SEO in which optimization is done off the website. For example, link building through blogging, article submissions, forum posts, infographic submissions etc.
On page seo refers to the process that is followed on the website itself. Some of the tasks involved are:

Keyword research
Meta tags and title
Meta description
Robots.txt file
Sitemap generation
Content development
Image optimization

Off page refers to the link building and promotion of your website in search engines. Some of the most effective off page activities are:

Guest posting
Article submission
Press release submission
Social bookmarks
Classified ads
Infographics submission
Social media optimization