What is the impact of user-generated content on SEO?


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User-generated content, such as reviews and comments, can boost SEO by adding fresh content and increasing engagement. Positive reviews enhance credibility, while relevant comments can provide additional keyword-rich content. Monitor and moderate user-generated content to ensure the quality and relevance. To know more
User-generated content (UGC) positively impacts SEO by increasing engagement and adding fresh, relevant content to your site. Reviews, comments, and testimonials naturally include keywords that can improve your search rankings. UGC also encourages more visits and interactions, which boosts dwell time—a factor Google considers for ranking. Additionally, UGC helps build community and trust, leading to higher conversion rates. Search engines favor sites with active user participation, seeing them as more valuable and relevant. Overall, UGC enhances your site’s visibility, credibility, and SEO performance without requiring constant content creation from your team.