What Is The Good Ratio Of Traffic


New member
I was just wondering that what can be said as a perfect traffic sources. I mean how much traffic should i get from Google, Other search engines and social networking websites like Facebook etc. What is an ideal ratio
I'm currently getting about 35% of my traffic from Google, and I've heard some websites get over 70% from Google. It really depends on how much traffic they're sending you, and where your other traffic is coming from. If you have an advertising campaign going on another site, your percent of search engine traffic will be lower.

I think anything over 30% search engine traffic is pretty good. But it'll start off a lot less for new sites. It took me a few months to get over 30% traffic from Google.
The Good Ratio Of Traffic
70 out of 100 is a good ratio and 5 page views per visits is best (I only get 1.5 on my blog).

Here are some tips and tricks I use to do that:

•Respond to comments
•Link your website to your social accounts
•Be useful: share useful links on social networks, source your images and articles.