What Is The Easiest Way To Make an Animated GIF?


New member
I know of the process in Photoshop, but I'm wondering if there are other more recommended ways of turning video clips into GIF files. Photoshop tends to be a bit heavy on the system and the process is a little complicated for when I need to make a lot of these. Any recommended ways or software that you guys can throw my way? Preferably free. :)
I create some text in gif, but I use photoshop, is simple fast and cheap. eh eh eh
But looking on google "maker Animated GIFs" there are good software.
There are some GIF makers out there, but you can use any paint app that has this capability: Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Serif Photoplus, GIMP (maybe). If the frames of your animation are already done and you just want to get them into the animated GIF format, then just about any GIG animation tool will work. If you need to create or edit the frames, then you might do better with a paint application with GIF animation features built-in.
Great recommendations guys, thanks! I'll check them all out individually and see which one turns out to be the easiest, but they are all looking good so far. I'll check back here with a review for other members if I can. :)