what is the difference bw penguin and panda

Google launched Panda in February 2011, mainly as a change in its search results ranking algorithm. The main purpose of the update was just to keep those low quality and low content sites away from the top ranking results and give the actual quality sites their due.

Another algorithm update from Google that gave SEO experts another blow was Penguin that was launched in April 2012. The idea underlying the update was simple enough- penalize and decrease the rankings of sites that breach Google’s Webmaster Guidelines set the by the search engine.
Google Penguin is the latest update to Google's algorithm. This update is aimed at websites that are using tactics that are considered a way to game Google's searches. When Google indexes a site, it looks at places for specific keywords, some firms have used this fact and stuffed keywords onto a site, or hidden text from the user, but make it visible to Google, or they get lots of links from illegitimate websites that Google now consider to be spam. To date, we have not reviewed a site that has been hit by Penguin. Most of the sites we review end up suffering from a lack of updating or issues relating to Google Panda.
Google Panda is the change to the algorithm we see that effects a lot of people who have old sites. To understand Google Panda, it helps to understand Google's core mission. Google wants to deliver the best results for what you are searching. They do NOT want to deliver websites they consider to be low quality and this means when people go to a site from Google's search, if you go back from that search, Google notices it and pushes you down in the search rankings. Some of the factors we have seen effect sites, are poor site design, sites that don't reference their articles through links, sites that are slow to load, sites that use duplicate content over and over again. The bottom line is you need to have a well designed site and creates original content.
Panda update is for low quality content of website & Penguin update is based on Keyword phrase that Google only fucus on Full sentence not only on single word.
Google's Panda Update is an inquiry channel acquainted in February 2011 implied with stop destinations with low-quality substance from working their way into Google's top indexed lists. Panda is upgraded every once in a while. When this happens, destinations beforehand hit may escape in the event that they've rolled out the right improvements. Panda may likewise get destinations that got away some time recently. An invigorate likewise signifies "false positives" may get discharged.
Google dispatched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch locales esteemed to spam its list items, specifically, those doing as such by purchasing joins or getting them through connection systems composed principally to support Google rankings.
Google Penguin alludes to an arrangement of calculation overhauls and information invigorates for the Google web index that the organization occasionally starts to upgrade the estimation of its quest inquiry results for clients.
Panda ->Target only on content. Its goal is on bringing the high quality content on the top search engine ranking, the content must be unique
Penguine -> Target only on backlinks. Links should be natural and it should not be a paid link.