What is the difference between title and meta title tag?

what is the difference between title and meta tag?
>Both of them are html tags and really very useful for seo purposes.
>title tag-It is what you see on top of your browser or when you look at your codes,
ex:<title>your page title</title>
>meta tag-It is tag or keywords comprises of your keywords or it is what you see under your source code.
ex:<meta name="title" content="your page title">
Title tag is also a part of Meta Tags. But generally or some times we don't include it in meta tags or some times we use it in meta tags. So there is no difference between simple title tag and meta title tag.
Your title tag is what appears in the browser when someone opens your site or page.

The Meta Tags provide information for search engine spiders and what you place in these meta tags will often be displayed in search engine results. It is still important to use meta tags when optimizing your site for search engines
Title tag is what appears to the user on the search engine result page as a clickable link. Title tags give the user an idea of the content of your website, thus affecting the number of clicks on your website link.
Meta tags on the other hand, appear only in the HTML of the web page and is visible only to the search engine. However, the meta tags must be carefully used as it affects the search engine result by describing to the search engine crawler what the web site is about and what your content includes.
Title tag is the title of a website that is defined in the webpage source. The title defines the content of your website and helps browsers and robots to know about your webpage content. This title is also used to display against your website in search engines.
Title tag is normally used for display title at the top of the window and it is also being used for linking any text or giving some important to that content which we have made. It is also important because most of the search engine give them importance too.
Meta tag is being used to provide some more information about the content which you are going to put on you page.