What is the difference between springs and structs?

1)Struts is a web framework while Spring is not.

2)Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts is not.

3)Struts is heavy weight while Spring is light weight.

4)Struts supports tag Library while Spring does not.
Spring is an IOC container and is used to wire things using dependency injection. Spring provides additional services like transaction management and seamless integration of various other technologies.
Struts is an action-based presentation framework.
- Struts backings label Library while Spring does not.
- Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts is definitely not.
- Struts effectively coordinate with other customer side advances. It is difficult in the event of spring.
- Spring is inexactly coupled while Struts is firmly coupled.
- Struts is a web structure while Spring is definitely not.
- Spring gives simple coordination ORM advances while in struts, we have to do coding physically.
- Struts is overwhelming weight while Spring is light weight.

1)Struts is a web framework while Spring is not.

2)Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts is not.

3)Struts is heavy weight while Spring is light weight.

4)Struts supports tag Library while Spring does not.

5)Spring is loosely coupled while Struts is tightly coupled.

6)Spring provides easy integration with ORM technologies while in struts, we need to do coding manually.

7)Struts easily integrate with other client side technologies. It is not easy in case of spring.
i am writing some differences between Spring and Struts:
1. Struts is a web framework only, Struts can be compared with the SpringMVC. And SpringMVC is subset of the Spring framework. So we can say that Sturts can be seen as the subset of the spring framework in functionality point of view.
2. What Action class do in struts, Controller does in Spring. And action in Struts is a Abstract class but Controller in Spring is an interface, This is very good advantage of the spring.
3. Spring don’t have any action from, it bind the http form values directly into pojo. Instead of initializing the form bean spring directly initialize the domain object.
Struts is a sophisticated framework offering the easy 2 develop, structured view/presentation layer of the MVC applications. Advanced, robust and scalable view framework underpinning reuse and seperation of concerns to certain extent.
Springs is a Lightweight Inversion of Control and Aspect Oriented Container Framework. Every work in the last sentence carry the true purpose of the Spring framework. It is just not a framework to integrate / plug in at the presentation layer. It is much more to that. It is adaptible and easy to run light weight applications, it provides a framework to integrate OR mapping, JDBC etc., Infact Struts can be used as the presentation tier in Spring.
- Struts backings label Library while Spring does not.
- Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts is definitely not.
- Struts effectively coordinate with other customer side advances. It is difficult in the event of spring.
- Spring is inexactly coupled while Struts is firmly coupled.
- Struts is a web structure while Spring is definitely not.
- Spring gives simple coordination ORM advances while in struts, we have to do coding physically.
- Struts is overwhelming weight while Spring is light weight.

Your answer is greatly useful but definitely not wasteful.
Struts is a sophisticated framework offering the easy 2 develop, structured view/presentation layer of the MVC applications. Advanced, robust and scalable view framework underpinning reuse and seperation of concerns to certain extent.
Springs is a Lightweight Inversion of Control and Aspect Oriented Container Framework. Every work in the last sentence carry the true purpose of the Spring framework. It is just not a framework to integrate / plug in at the presentation layer. It is much more to that. It is adaptible and easy to run light weight applications, it provides a framework to integrate OR mapping, JDBC etc., Infact Struts can be used as the presentation tier in Spring.

Your sharing is very useful
Struts framework is based on MVC pattern to develop web applications and it is used to generate integration logic dynamically.
Struts allows only JSP as a view component.
Spring framework is used to develop enterprise applications.
Spring framework not only allows JSPs but also other views such as Velocity, Freemaker etc.,
Spring f/w consists of 6 modules which are alternatives for existing J2ee Technologies.
Out of the two, Spring MVC by a country mile. Struts is ancient and dead.

It is less and less common to build a whole webapp in Java these days.

I'd usually recommend building a separate JS app and reserving the Java stuff to just REST calls.

Obviously this completely depends on your context, but JS works nicely on the client and there's a buoyant ecosystem of JS frameworks out there. You can do proper unit testing on this piece using e.g. Jasmine and karma.

Java's great for server side heavy lifting and Spring has really mature libraries, integrations etc.

1)Struts is a web framework while Spring is not.

2)Spring is a Layered Architecture while Struts is not.

3)Struts is heavy weight while Spring is light weight.

4)Struts supports tag Library while Spring does not.

5)Spring is loosely coupled while Struts is tightly coupled.

6)Spring provides easy integration with ORM technologies while in struts, we need to do coding manually.
The major differences between Spring framework and Struts framework are
Struts is a sophisticated framework offering the easy 2 develop, organized view/presentation part of the MVC programs. Springs is a Lightweight Inversion of Control and Aspect Oriented Container Framework. Every work in the last phrase bring the true objective of the Springtime structure.