What is the difference between sessions and users in GA?

Google Analytics measures both visits and visitors in your account. Visits represent the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site. If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity will be attributed to a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session.

Hope, it is helpful.
It’s measured by interactions with a website, driven by a cookie set on a visitor’s browser when they arrive on the site. The default session expiration is set to 30 minutes, meaning if you’re like me and leave tabs open all day, the cookie will time out after 30 minutes. If I come back to the page and go anywhere else on the site, that will begin a new session.

Users replaced Unique Visits. I can be 1 user but count for multiple sessions.