What is the difference between on-site optimization and off-site optimization?

On Page SEO you attract readers by providing high quality content. The technique is to make the articles as relevant as possible to what the searcher is looking for. It greatly helps if you are an expert on the topic you are writing about. On page is process of defining keyword, Meta tags, content duplication, domain, title etc. which have to follow while developing site.
Off page is process of effort that we take in marketing our i.e. bringing maximum follower to site using marketing technique 1)blog post 2)forum posting 3) classified 4)article posting, 5)social bookmarking.
SEO is a technique which helps the search engine find and rank your site higher than other million of sites in response to a search query thus SEO helps driving more traffic from Search engine. SEO has 2 types:

1. On-site SEO: The technique which is used to make a change on the page for the purpose of ranking that page is called "On-site SEO".

2. Off-site SEO: Off-site refers to inbound linking from other website pages to your website pages.