What is the difference between internal and inbound links?

inbound links are the ones that are received by your site coming from another site. These serve as one great method of web navigation. In these days, these links are being used to enhance web traffic and achieve better search rankings.
Internal linking is the process of linking your one page to another page on the same domain.
Inbound links: backlinks pointing to your website.
Internal links: links on a webpage that points to another page on the same website.
Internal links are links between pages within the same domain. A simpler way of thinking, internal links mean a link from another page 1 to 1 on the same site. Internal links are often used to navigate the site. Inbound link is a hyperlink transiting domains. Links are inbound from the perspective of the link target, and conversely, outbound from the perspective of the originator.
Both Internal links and Inbound links are a valuable part of SEO strategy. These are both essential links to have on your website however they are different and its important to know the differences.
Inbound links are links that come from other websites into your website, these are known by Google as a referral. Each referral you get Google counts as a point in favour of your website. The practice of acquiring these types of links is known as link building.
Internal linking refers to any links from one page on a domain which lead to another page on that same domain.
This can refer to the main site navigation, like the links you see above this article to our sections on SEO, PPC etc. It also refers to links within articles to related content, such as this link to an article on duplicate content.

An inbound link is a hyperlink on a third-party web page that points to a web page on your site. Inbound links are important for search engine optimization because Google and other search engines see multiple, relevant inbound links to a page as a sign that the content on that page is useful. Basically in order to promote your site you need people talking about your site, so the links that you submit or any mention on any other site that links back to your website makes your site rank better in google.