What is the difference between Graphic Designing and Web Designing?

Web designer designs overall structure of a website whereas a graphic designer creates different elements in a website like images, logos, etc. Web designers are responsible for the image resolution, responsiveness. Compared to web designers,graphic designer enjoys more freedm.
Not much really a it depends on the course youve taken , graphic designing vs web designing is a very grey area. Graphic design is using visual techniques to design anything from a website to a logo to a poster. Web designers use visual techniques and other user interface tricks to create more engaging websites alone. They are both very similar, the difference is a the web developer Which is a field on its own.
This is very similar but in my opinion web design is more focus on graphics for websites and internet. If you are web designer you should have knowledge of web usability, ux. Maybe a bit of HTML and CSS. Graphic designing covers more topics like print.
Have knowledge of what color profiles are, how to make a print composition. Graphic designer should know what is CMYK color or PANTONE color. But as was said graphic designing vs web designing is a very grey area.
Web designer designs overall structure of a website whereas a graphic designer creates different elements in a website like images, logos, etc.
Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form it takes can be physical or virtual and can include images, words, or graphics. The experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time.
Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting the content on electronic web pages, which the end-users can access through the internet with the help of a web browser.
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization
Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving using one or more of typography, photography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term "graphic design" is used synonymously