what is the difference between crawling and indexing in seo ?

Crawling or spidering is a term used when Google, or another search engine, sends its bot to a web page or web post and "reads" the page. Don't let this be confused with having that page being indexed. Crawling is the first part of having a search engine recognize your page and show it in search results.
Crawling is the process or reading through your webpage source by search engine spiders. They provide a cache certificate after a successful crawl. Indexing is updating the cached webpages in search engine database. Indexed webpages are now ready for search engine rankings.
Crawling: Crawling is a process in which Google's or another search engine's bot visits to webpage or web post and reads the page.
Indexing: Indexing means adding web pages into searches. But this process depends on used meta tag like- no index or index. This process does complete after crawling.

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Good question,

Crawling: It means search engine robots read our website data.
Indexing: It means search engine robots save website data in their server.
Caching means Google bots are visiting and reading your webpage or website. However, Indexing means Google has saved the cached version of your page in it's database.

If your page is crawled it doesn't mean that the page will also get indexed. But if your website is indexed, it means your page is cached.