what is the best way to place media and text over div tag images


Please help me with this.
I have started creating a website on Dreamweaver using slices from Photoshop and inserting them into the Dreamweaver file as div tags.
The problem that I am facing at the moment is I cannot place text or any other graphics or media over the images I've already placed in Dreamweaver.
I tried placing an swf file of a logo over an image on the index page using ip divs however it moves around every time and doesn't stay in the same place, I did the same with the text that I wanted to include. Another thing that happens is the placement of the media or text on Dreamweaver is not the same when I preview the website in chrome. I also tried making the images within the div tags background images using a code I found on the internet so that I could place the text over them but that did not work either.
What I'd like to know is how can I place graphics, media or text over the images I've already inserted so that it does not move around and stays fixed and such that what I see in Dreamweaver is what I'll see when I preview it in chrome.

Thank you for your help.