What is the best seo off page technique for new site to get good traffic?

1-social networks (myspace, facebook, twitter, linkedin and using to other social media.)

2- social bookmarks (digg, delicious, and other social bookmarking sites.)

3- directory submission

4- RSS submission

5- blog commenting

6- forum marketing ( participating in relevant forums)

7- using different one way link building techniques
you can also buy traffic from freelancers from SEOclerks at cheap rates.
For a new website getting good traffic, you have to create backlinks with high page rank on Classified Sites List, Blogging, forum, bookmarking etc.
1 ) Regularly publish your post
2 ) Write Quality content
3 ) Submit your site to search engines
5 ) Create quality Back-links
6 ) Video Marketing
7 ) or simply hire an expert from sites like SEOclerks.
Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation
1. Social Networking Sites

2. Blogging

3. Blog Marketing

4. Forum Marketing

5. Search Engine Submission

6. Directory Submission

7. Social Bookmarking

8. Link Baiting

9. Photo Sharing

11. Business Reviews

13. Article Submission

15. Answer Questions
Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation
1. Social Networking Sites

2. Blogging

3. Blog Marketing

4. Forum Marketing

5. Search Engine Submission

6. Directory Submission

7. Social Bookmarking

8. Link Baiting

9. Photo Sharing

11. Business Reviews

13. Article Submission

15. Answer Questions
Yes.. All these techniques are best for generating traffic, but it will take some time. These are very effective and come out with First page ranking soon on the search engine.
Off-Page Search Engine Optimization

Social Networking Sites
Forum Marketing
Social Bookmarking
Photo Sharing
Business Listing
Article Submission
Follow this tips Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation

1. Social Networking Sites
2. Blogging
3. Blog Marketing
4. Forum Marketing
6. Directory Submission
7. Social Bookmarking
8. Link Baiting
9. Photo Sharing
10. Video Marketing
11. Business Reviews
12. Local Listings
13. Article Submission
14. Social Shopping Network
15. Infographic/Infographic Page Submission
There are numerous individuals who are simply beginning to blog and numerous more that have run their own website for some time, that don't realize what SEO is and how to execute it!

SEO just stands for Site design improvement. This is the place you develop your website pages and actualize certain methods to offer you some assistance with ranking as high as could be expected under the circumstances on internet searcher result pages (SERPs). The higher your pages can rank on Google/Bing/Yippee/and so forth results pages, the more activity your site is prone to get.

Presently, SEO can be split up into two separate classifications; On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

On-Page SEO alludes to every one of the things that you can do ON your site to offer you some assistance with ranking higher, for example, page titles, inside connecting, meta labels and portrayals, and so forth.

Off-Page SEO alludes to every one of the things that you can do straightforwardly OFF your site to offer you some assistance with ranking higher, for example, long range interpersonal communication, article accommodation, gathering and blog showcasing, and so on.

In today's post we will be taking a gander at Off-Page SEO and probably the most compelling approaches to expand your page rankings on web indexes.

Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation

1. Social Networking Sites
2. Blogging
3. Blog Marketing
4. Forum Marketing
5. Search Engine Submission
6. Directory Submission
7. Social Bookmarking
8. Link Baiting
9. Photo Sharing
10. Video Marketing
11. Business Reviews
12. Local Listings
13. Article Submission
14. Social Shopping Network