What is the best internal link structure?

Internal links hay còn gọi liên kết nội bộ là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng bậc nhất trong SEO. Internal links là những liên kết qua lại giữa các trang trong cùng một tên miền.
Một cách nghĩ đơn giản hơn, liên kết nội bộ nghĩa là liên kết từ 1 trang đến 1 trang khác trên cùng trang web. Internal links thường được sử dụng để điều hướng trang web.
Best Practice for Internal Link Optimization
Those practices help you utilize internal links in a proper way:

1. Display Important Internal Links on Your Homepage
2. Add Proper Anchor Text to an Internal Link
3. Position Internal Links Correctly in a Post
4. Display Related Posts under Each Post
5. Take a Good Use of Sitemap
6. Use Breadcrumbs Navigation
7. Use Sidebar and Widget to Display Internal Links
Internal links are the links given within your website or blogs using images, documents, blog posts etc.

For example, you have a blog section on your website and you give your service page link to one of your blog posts, it is called internal linking.

When you create structure or strategies to put these types of links is called the structure of internal links. In this, your links must be working, give extra information on existing topics, must be valid links and having an SEO friendly URL.
Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. They are commonly used in main navigation.

These type of links are useful for three reasons:

They allow users to navigate a website.
They help establish information hierarchy for the given website.
They help spread link juice (ranking power) around websites.