What is the benefits of PPC..?

PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising that is used on a wide range of websites, including search engines, where the advertiser only pays if a web user clicks on their add. Hence the title, ‘pay per click.’ The most common form of PPC ads are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) above and to the right-hand side of the organic results in response to the users search term. They are clearly labelled as 'Ads' or 'Sponsored Results' to differentiate them from the organic listings.
These are some benefits of PPC.

1 Fast Results
2 Measurable results
3.No dependencies on SEO or Google Algorithmic changes
4 Reach the right audience
5 Take advantage of business opportunities
6 Brand recognition
7 Open your doors to local customers
PPC ads are a great option to complement your inbound marketing efforts and maximize your coverage on. We’ve outlined 5 reasons why you should create and manage a paid search campaign for your business:

1) Speed-to-market – Unlike organic SEO, PPC ads can be launched quickly, bringing in targeted traffic and qualified leads to your website.

2) Reach– Additional traffic can be sent to your website, expanding your online visibility and helping you establish your company as a leader in your industry.

3) Highly-targeted website traffic–Assigning different ad copies for specific keywords and demographics can dramatically increase the quality of website traffic. PPC ads can be scheduled to run during the best sales periods and in specific geographic regions.

4) Testing Capabilities– PPC is a great way to provide low-risk testing for keywords, enabling you to determine if a full site optimization campaign is worthwhile. It’s also great for landing page A/B testing, allowing you to direct traffic to your choice of different pages of your site in order to find which pages convert at the highest rate.

5) Maximize the return on your marketing investment– Because you pay for PPC only when an ad is clicked, it’s easy to manage costs, track conversions, and determine your ROI. Cost-per-conversions are valuable when comparing your PPC campaign ROI against other marketing tactics. Data is reported accurately and correctly and campaign results can be tracked extensively.

For more info: 5 Benefits of Pay-Per-Click | Couch & AssociatesCouch & Associates